With dreamy blue eyes and hamster-like cheeks, Hosico Cat has amassed a whopping 1.9 million Instagram followers. This cuddly czar-of-cuteness is an 8-year-old golden Scottish Straight from Moscow.
“Hosico looks a lot like Puss in Boots from Shrek, especially in Part 4 where he got fat,” says owners Roman and Ksenia. Fans often compare Hosico Cat to English comedian James Corden. They also say he looks like Garfield — the Monday-hating, spider-squashing, lasagna-obsessed orange cartoon tabby.
Roman and Ksenia bought Hosico from a breeder after their 15-year-old Siamese cat, Misha, died from kidney disease. They started discussing cat breeds and could not decide between the Abyssinian and Scottish Straight. "Then we found Hosico in an internet ad. His breeder brought him to Moscow from Tula. It is almost 200 kilometers (124 miles). It was already late, and little Hosico was sleeping."
He was frightened and full of fleas. At that time, Roman and Ksenia's daughter was interested in Japan and its culture, so she suggested calling him Hosico, which means star child.
Hosico started squeezing into bowls, baskets, and boxes. When he finished playing, he would stop, look at his owners, and then chatter. "It is the cutest thing," Roman says, "he sounds so hilarious, almost human-like."
He was so handsome and funny his owners posted some of his pictures on Instagram. The golden fluffy quickly gained followers from all over the globe. He also became friends with celebrity cats like Nala.
Hosico was even nominated for The Animal Star of 2020. "We were very pleased to receive an invitation to this nomination and participate in the voting. Although we did not win, it was great," Roman says. The golden Scottish Straight also has a Zazzle store that sells exclusive merchandise, such as Hosico Croissant T-Shirts and Saint Basil’s Cathedral Throw Pillows.
When Hosico is not reclining against The Great Pyramid of Giza or sunbathing in Central Park, he spends most of his time in the buff. "Hosico rarely wears costumes because he does not like them," Roman says, "He tolerates them only if you quickly shoot photos."
His hobbies are the feline-approved trilogy of playing, eating, and sleeping. House plants are Hosico's kryptonite. That is why his owners buy him cat grass once a week. "He is very conservative about his food. He loves to sniff everything," Roman says. The celebrity cat mainly eats baby food: beef with pumpkin, zucchini, and chicken with buckwheat or rice. He also eats dry cat food and gets a beef or turkey fillet every other day. Hosico weighs between 5.5-6.5 kilograms (12-14 pounds).
Like all cats, Hosico is very active at dawn and dusk. He is so fast when he runs or jumps that it is almost impossible to shoot. The feline heartthrob is also very excited by new cat toys, but unfortunately, he gets bored with them in a week. His favorite toys are a drinking straw and a little black rope.

Though he is an indoor cat, Hosico occasionally ventures outside on a leash and harness. He often goes to the nearest pet store or park. "Therefore, for him, every walk is an event. Everything seems amazing to him: birds, different sounds, and smells," Roman says. "He has a lot of different carriers, backpacks, and strollers. He liked his last stroller so much he almost fell asleep in it."
Behind the scenes, Hosico is very timid toward all strangers. When he hears the doorbell, he runs away and hides. "Going to the vet is stressful for him, but he tries to behave well, does not break out or scream, and endures all procedures with firmness," Roman says. The reigning king of adorableness is also a consummate gentleman. When female cats visit to breed and are not in the mood,Hosico respects their wishes, and no feline frolicking happens. 
If you are interested in learning more about the Scottish Straight, here is our detailed Scottish Straight breed infographic.
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